Monday, June 2, 2008

Justus' Reflections for DEV! wewt

  • Why did you choose the concepts you did to create your problem set?

We all choose our problems based on two parameters, a.) what we had previously had the most trouble with, and b.) What would fit best into our videos story line. So initially we tried to make the questions based on the storyline, and when that didn't work we said, "hey, lets just make questions that are hard. So we did that. After we made the questions we worked the storyline around them in the perfect way; such that the questions had no effect on the story at all! (Except that they were an object in the story.) So yeah, in all honesty, I just choose my questions based off units I thought were interesting, or I was having difficulty with, such as the Warthog question.

  • How do these problems provide an overview of your best mathematical understanding of what you have learned so far?

Well they definitely opened my eyes to what I need to practice more for the upcoming exam. As was said during an earlier class, creation is the highest level of learning. I found this to be entirely true, as when making the questions, having them solve neat and nicely was immensely difficult. You had to look at exactly which parts of which questions changed what in the outcomes, so that it was actually solvable. In the end I was able to see the question (types) in a whole new light.

  • Did you learn anything from this assignment? Was it educationally valuable to you? (Be honest with this. If you got nothing out of this assignment then say that, but be specific about what you didn't like and offer a suggestion to improve it in the future.)
I'm going to be 110203894723489% honest and say that I got tons out of this assignment, and not only in math! Initially I knew that the project could be interesting, and looked forward to doing it. However I didnt actually start it until about a month and a half ago. So there's lesson 1, be more organized, and use ALL the time your given.

In terms of mathematics I learned quite a bit also. I deepened my understanding of conic sections, probabilities, trig, and loooootttsss about solving questions by looking at them from different perspectives (block of wood anyone?).

It helped deepen my understanding of mathematics profoundly because to create and solve the questions on here, I had to find and exploit the patterns in the questions themselves.

Overall I'm quite glad I did the project, and although I feel I could have done better, am happy with the overall outcome. :)

Alrighty, Justus, the purple spartan, out


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